Sunday, December 20, 2009

And So It Begins

I meant to write this post far before I ever actually posted anything about The Apartment, but I was overcome with excitement due to the completion of my bathroom makeover that I decided to go out of order. Oh well! Consider it like having dessert before the main meal! You got to see some of the goodies (i.e. the bathroom before and afters) before actually having to deal with the boring stuff (i.e. the nitty gritty details of the actual apartment!).

The Apartment resides on a busy street in the Fort Greene area of Brooklyn, just down the street from the Brooklyn Flea, and nestled in between a laundromat and a bagel shop. While my roommate (Jenna) has lived here for several years, I am just now beginning to call this place home. Earlier this Fall I decided it was time for a change of scenery, and thus with many teary goodbyes, I packed myself up and made my way to The Big Apple! It's been a big adjustment, and I am by no means "settled" yet, but I am loving the fact that there is so much to do right outside my door. 

You may think that since my roommate has been living in our apartment for a couple of years now that we would be all set and decorated... but it's quite the opposite actually! When Jenna's last roommate moved out he took with him all the furniture (it was all his), thus leaving us with one VERY EMPTY apartment. While it has been slow going furnishing  our space (unfortunately we are not made of money... *sigh*), we are loving every minute of having a clean slate to work with. 

We are lucky in the fact that The Apartment is what one would call a "huge space" when talking about NYC apartments, complete with four closets (one of them being our own "Harry Potter closet" - as in the cupboard under the stairs!), and TONS of natural light. It's also ridiculously close to many subway stops and Manhattan, but unfortunately, we are stuck with some rather loud and obnoxious upstairs neighbors who fail to have ANY respect for the rest of us who live in the same building. However, it's a small price to pay for such a great apartment in such a great location!

So since the main purpose of this blog is to keep my friends and family up to date on the goings - ons in my new life in the city (of course it also serves double duty as my "design journal" - i.e. the place where I can store all the pretty pictures I come across on the web), be prepared for many a post on The Apartment!

Roomies! Me and Jenna (Oct. 2009)


Wendy said...

That is a great Rommies picture! I can't wait to see the apartment from the ground up. It takes a long time and it will be fun to see the progression. Thanks for sending the recipe my way. It looks so good!

Anonymous said...

What a nice picture of the two of you!

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