Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010 Goals

In a way January 1st is like a get out of jail free card. It offers us the opportunity to put behind us anything that we were unhappy with in the past year, and start over with a clean slate, and a fresh outlook. So even though I enjoy the idea of making New Year's resolutions, I am absolutely AWFUL at keeping them. But I am determined to make this year a great one, and so I decided to try something a little different. I made lists... and lots of them! I am hoping that by putting my goals down in writing that I can make a better effort at holding myself to them. I also figure that these lists can serve as nagging reminders in a couple of months when I decide to conveniently "forget" my resolutions. I won't bore you all with every single one of my resolutions (surprisingly there were A LOT!), but I have really been enjoying all of the picture resolution lists that so many wonderful bloggers have been posting over the last few days, that I thought I would make one too!

List number one is a list of goals I hope I can accomplish for this blog. While I blog purely for my own enjoyment, I do tend to be a perfectionist when it comes to the creative endeavors that I take on, and there are just some things about this blog that are irking me! Plus I would really like to attempt to switch over to Wordpress at some point (not that you have been anything but kind to me Blogger, but I need a change!). 

List number two is a life list, or a bucket list. I toyed around with this idea last year but never actually went through with it. I guess I felt like people would laugh at me for making this type of list, and that they would laugh at my ideas when I attempted to accomplish them. However, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that this is a list for ME, and it doesn't matter what other people think. These are MY dreams, no matter how small or ridiculous! 

My third list is my New Year's resolution list and it contains lifestyle changes and goals that I hope to accomplish in 2010. Some of the goals are insanely small and easily doable (like make a chicken soup), while others are going to require a LOT of effort on my part, and be a bit trickier to accomplish. But, I am going to think positive and really try to push myself to do these things, because in the end it will be worth it! 

Living in a new city means I know NOTHING. Add to this fact that this new city is New York City and I really know NOTHING! So this year I hope to really enjoy my new home, and explore the marvelous city around me. However, since I am a driver by nature, and not a bona fide subway taker, I am hoping to throw in a healthy dose of road-tripping (long or short, I'm not particular). Basically it would be wonderful if this year could just be one fabulous never ending adventure!

Oh music how I have missed you! For me music is like a comforting blanket. It has the capability to envelop me and keep me in the moment, or help me move past it if the case may be. Whatever my mood is I can always find a song to help me, either by putting me at ease or by setting me free. This past year I fell off the music scene, and I actually think my spirit sort of suffered a little bit because of this. I've missed going to concerts, making mix CD's, and finding new music to enjoy, so this year I hope to get back in the groove (hehehe... no pun intended). 

Yup, I AM that girl... the annoying one who hits the snooze button ten times before actually attempting to get out of bed. What can I say though, I like to sleep, and dreaming is one of my favorite pastimes. However, I seriously need to work on going to bed and getting up at more reasonable hours, in addition I need to get my snooze button habit under control.

All photos from Veer

I am an expert at lounging. I always have been, and I probably always will be, but I think I really need to tone it down just a smidge this year. My life is not exactly made any better by hanging out in my sweats (or pj's) and being a huge waste of space all day. 

For all of you out in blog land I wish you a very happy new year, and the best of luck in following through with any resolutions you may have made. Hopefully 2010 can be a year filled with enormous amounts of wonderful things! 


Wendy said...

love your goals! Thank you for sharing. My favorite is the life list. An awesome idea I would like to give a try. Thanks for inspiring me! Happy Fresh Start!

Jen said...

Great goals! Good luck in 2010!

Debbie said...

You lose.

Debbie said...

I love you no matter what.....

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